The never ending pursuit of perfection:
Dieting, Body Image & Health @TaraDiversi @DrAdamFraser
We wrote The Good Enough Diet because of society's relentless need to be perfect and the problems that causes.
In the modern world we are lead to believe that good is not good enough anymore. Everything has to be better, bigger, quicker, stronger, and cheaper.
This is not true when it comes to weight loss. When it comes to our health, guilt, blame and stress are rife in our world, and what benefit do they bring us? Nothing!
What are the detriments? Now, a child's number one wish is to be skinnier, women are riddled with self-hate, more than half of North America, Australia and the UK are dieting.
The diet industry strives on making people, in particular women feel bad about themselves. The sad thing is that they're not effective and we end up putting all the weight back on. This poor relationship with food and our bodies passes down to our children, and eating disorders continue to increase.
There is no benefit in setting yourself up for failure or compromising what is most important to you, to be perfect in your diet and exercise regimen. There is great success in knowing when enough is enough. When doing what you need to do, but not more. There is success being healthy, but not fanatical. There is true-life success with losing weight without losing your lifestyle.
We are told that we can't be healthy while we travel, while we look after our children and while we build a social life or career that aligns with our values. This is not true. You can have it all. You can lose weight without losing your lifestyle, and you can lose weight and still be healthy. There are a lot of myths about weight loss and dieting. There is no benefit for these myths to infect society, and make weight maintenance and healthy body image more difficult to obtain.
We really wanted to share this message. To get our knowledge and experiences on paper so they can help you in your life.
Ashley Graham on Internet Comments & Positive Body Image
Vogue Asks | Episode 1 | British Vogue
Meet Ashley Graham. Model, designer and body activist, Ashley talks about internet comments and positive body image.
Stop hating your body; start living your life
Taryn Brumfitt | TEDxAdelaide
“You are fat”… “You are ugly”… “You are disgusting”.
That’s what millions of women around the world say to themselves in the mirror every day. That’s what Taryn said to herself every day before she realised that her body is not an ornament; it’s the vehicle to her dreams.
This talk explores the global issue of body loathing and what we can do to change our own perspective and the unrealistic standards that surround us.
Taryn Brumfitt is a best-selling author and internationally recognised body image activist and founder of the Body Image Movement.
Taryn first rose to prominence when her unconventional before and after photo went viral in 2013, garnering 100 million views and sparking an international media frenzy. Her debut feature documentary ‘Embrace’ delves further into the issues of body image and is one of Australia’s most successful documentaries to date.
Internationally-known body activist, model and entrepreneur, Ashley Graham, describes her journey into fashion industry stardom. She doesn't leave out any gritty details, as she describes the challenging and rewarding progression toward becoming her own role model. Inspiring body confidence in the next generation, Ashley expresses the need for the universal embrace of body diversity as beauty paradigms continue to shift.
Women’s Ideal Body Types Around The World
What does a “perfect body” look like? It depends who you ask — and where they are.
UK online pharmacy Superdrug Online Doctors recently created a project called “Perceptions Of Perfection“ that features 18 photoshopped images of the same woman. The company hired designers from countries around the world to photoshop a stock image via Shutterstock to reflect the beauty standards of their specific countries.
“Widely held perceptions of beauty and perfection can have a deep and lasting cultural impact on both women and men,” a Superdrug press release reads. “The goal of this project is to better understand potentially unrealistic standards of beauty and to see how such pressures vary around the world.”
The company asked 18 designers from 18 countries spanning five continents to photoshop an image of a woman to fit their perception of the culture’s beauty standards.
The designers photoshopped everything from the size of her waistline to shoe and hair color to mold the photo into the ideal body type of that culture.
Out of the 18 designers, 14 were women and four were men, according to Superdrug. In order to highlight a woman’s perception of her culture’s beauty standards, Superdrug asked the four male designers to photoshop the image based on messages women in their countries receive about what an ideal body should look like.
Some of the images appear only slightly altered, while in others, the original image is barely recognizable. Photos from China and Italy were dramatically photoshopped to have very thin legs and arms. Images from Colombia, Mexico and Peru reflect the traditional voluptuous beauty standards of those areas with tiny waists, large breasts and curvy hips.
Body Image Short Film
By Emily Jansz
Body Image Short Film
Just What IS an Average Woman's Size Anymore?
"Today, the average American woman is 5'4″, has a waist size of 34-35 inches and weighs between 140-150 lbs, with a dress size of 12-14."

In Between Plus Size and Sample Size, There Are Millions of Women
The average American woman is a size 14. Why don't we see her?
"The warped definition of straight sizes and plus sizes — and the rigidness with which every body must fall into one of the two categories — is especially stark in Hollywood, where diversity in size is not common on-screen. Shows have publicly poked fun at the ridiculousness of it: in the first episode of the second season of 30 Rock, Jack Donahue delivers unsolicited advice on Jenna Maroney’s recent weight gain: "She needs to lose 30 pounds or gain 60. Anything in between has no place in television."
It’s as if in-betweeners are a foreign species that can’t be properly categorized, and therefore are easier to ignore or, if there must be a label, label incorrectly. "

Ode to the Medium-Sized Woman
For the medium-sized woman, for whom the words “Big Beautiful Woman” just don’t feel right, but who also feel the repercussions of not being a size 2, 4 or 0.
I am a medium-sized woman.
I’m 5’7.
I would never be called “overweight” or “plus-size” or “heavy” or “the F-word” (you know, Fat),
but I’m also rarely, if ever, called “thin” (by anyone who isn’t definitively “plus-sized” and squeezing me into one of two social groups).
I have a nice solid trunk, but no rolls unless I’m sitting down, or having sex with my legs in the air.
My thighs are pretty muscular, and my ass is wide (although simultaneously falls kinda flat).
I hate the word “curvy,” because although I’m a size 8-10, the word just doesn’t describe me. My silhouette from pit to waist is basically two straight lines, and I’ve been known to wear training bras under my going-out tops.
The closest thing to my body type that anyone has ever described me as is “athletic,” but the truth is, I skip the gym more often than I go.
I can literally wear S, M or L depending on the brand, and sometimes, I’ll size out of a brand altogether.
When I have sex my body kinda jiggles, and sometimes, my ass makes a clapping noise against my boyfriend’s thighs.
I’ve definitely had sex with guys that weigh less than me, but I don’t think they knew that at the time.
I am Lena Dunham.
In 1943, my solid-as-a-horse-body would have been ideal — I’d be what most men wanted in a wife: a chick with strength to tend the farm while he’s off fighting the War.
While a total badass, I’m also super-feminine in my faux-Midwestern, I-love-stretchy-jeans kind of way.
Medium-sized women unite.
We are f*cking hot as hell.
And I want more of our face in the media.
I want models to exist between size 4 and size 12.
I want to be sold to.
Can the “medium-sized” acceptance movement please take off immediately?
I want a new category.